Adding a New Household Member 430-05-67-20

(Revised 10/19/2023 ML 3767)

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When adding a new household member to an ongoing case, the individual is processed as a new applicant. The mandatory verifications apply to the new individual. Refer to policy sections 430-05-20-60 Mandatory Verifications. If the individual is not exempt from the work requirements, the individual is also required to sign the work registration form.


If the individual being added has received benefits in another household, state, or through the Food Distribution Program, the individual cannot be added.



  1. Initial application proration does not apply to the individual being added to the household.
  2. Fleeing felon status is pursued at the next review completed after adding the new household member.

If the household does not provide the mandatory verifications needed to add the individual, Request for Verification Notice is sent, along with the Consolidated Work Notice and Work Registration Form, if appropriate, allowing the household 10 days from the mailing date of the notice to provide the information needed.


If the household provides the mandatory verifications needed within the 10 days, and adding the individual results in an increase in benefits, the individual must be added to the household for the next benefit month. If because of when the change is reported, the 10 day timeframe extends into the next benefit month, a supplement must be issued.


If the household provides the mandatory verifications needed to add the individual and it results in a decrease in benefits, the worker must issue a Notice of Eligibility to decrease benefits allowing for a 10 day advance notice unless the change was reported in writing and signed by the household. If the worker does not have 10 days for the advance notice, the individual is not added for the next benefit month but must be added the month following the Notice of Eligibility.


If the household does not respond to the Request for Verification Notice within the 10 days from the mail date, the Notice of Eligibility to close the case, allowing advance notice must be sent and the case will close at the end of that month. If it is after advance notice deadline, the Notice of Eligibility to close the case must not be sent until the first working day of the following month. Benefits are authorized the same as the previous month.



  1. If the household reports their income exceeds the gross income limit for their household size with the addition of a new member and does not respond to the Request for Verification Notice, the case must be closed for excess income.
  2. If the household fails to provide verification of the individual's expenses, the individual is added and the expenses are not allowed.   

If the household provides the verification any time prior to case closing, the worker has 10 days to act on the change and the case cannot be closed.


The household is subject to the new gross income limit (GIL) once the individual has been added to the case. The worker must send Notice of Eligibility advising the household the individual has been added to the case.